See below and also read about My25 experiences, outcomes and stories as told by our human services & healthcare innovator subscribers <a target=_blank href=>here</a>. “So far from just a menu company—My25 is your strategic partner.”

My25’s clinical outcomes are remarkable.....we went from 1/3 at a healthy weight to 2/3 at a healthy weight. People are being taken off their medications for diabetes and high blood pressure. The amount of efficiency and money saved just by using the Walmart add-on are noticeable immediately on budgets. Taking the guess work out of preparing meals for the DSPs is a huge time saver, but also allows staff the ability to spend time teaching people how to cook and asking them about choices and healthy eating. The recipes are delicious and cooking within the home is now a fun event.
Executive Program Director I/DD Services, Volunteers of America

I really can't say enough good about My25. I appreciate the team approach as I work side by side with the VERY committed My25 Support Associate dedicated to each of our homes. We have seen such great health and cost savings success with the My25 program since implementation several years ago. Their team cheerleads, motivates and encourages our population and staff to focus on health and try new things.<br><br>My25’s efforts are backed by a customized mealtime and grocery shopping system, beneficial online engagement, and data tracking and trending for our oversight and accountability purposes.<br><br>We have residents moving from one home to another quite frequently and diets are difficult and complicated. As I always instruct our staff: “My25 does it all for us, all we have to do is implement.”<br><br>My25’s expertise is invaluable.
Director of Nutrition Services, Beacon Specialized Living

My25 makes us feel as if we are their only customer; their responsiveness and service are outstanding. We’re continually amazed at My25’s ability to combine so many diverse preferences and dietary needs into one menu for each home that is easy to follow and implement. We had a hard time finding a dietitian, but now we don’t need one . . . because we have My25.
President & CEO, ARI of CT, Inc.

I highly recommend My25. My25 has been instrumental in helping us achieve our optimal health goals through staff engagement, person-centered menu planning, and ongoing education.<br><br>One of the standout aspects of My25 has been their exceptional turnaround response time and accessibility, which consistently exceed our expectations. Thanks to their support, a number of individuals have successfully met their health goals, including weight reduction and improved A1C levels. Some of our staff members have even adopted My25 resources for their personal use, further demonstrating the versatility and appeal of My25’s offerings.<br><br>My25 has definitely proven to be an invaluable resource for our organization.
Director of Clinical Supports, IAHD

We’ve partnered with My25 to find healthy options and solutions to our dietary program for over 8 years. Recently, after a major kitchen remodel, we switched our largest facility to the program. Forty frequently-disgruntled residents and now they could not be happier! Where there used to be nothing but complaints about the food, our advocacy groups are choosing the meals they want. The choices, the training support, and the we-are-there-for-you attitude from everyone at My25 is refreshing and so important to our continued success in providing nutritious and tasty meals. Thank you for all that you offer to us and our residents.
Director of Administration, CLIMB, Inc.

The team at My25 has been an awesome partner and has always been very accessible to do whatever it takes to help each house thrive within the program. We will expand further, so that all of our settings utilize My25.<br><br>Residents are moving toward their health goals. Additionally, staff is loving the shopping lists, menus and recipes that make meal planning and prep so much easier . . . this is so beneficial given staffing shortages. We’re also seeing residents trying new foods (and liking them), while getting more involved in the kitchen. I highly recommend My25.
Coordinator of Corporate Development, Community Services for Every1

The people we support and our employees have benefited greatly from the My25 menu system. Menus are based on each person’s diet order and take into consideration individual preferences and program budget. Our residents enjoy the variety of the meals and are improving their health. We value the recipes and grocery lists. My25 has made it much easier for our busy staff to manage on a daily basis. The entire team at My25 has been incredibly responsive and a pleasure to work with. We are glad we made the decision to utilize the My25 system!
Chief Operations Officer, Community Services, Inc.

The My25 Admin Tracker is really beneficial. I can’t be in the homes on a day to day basis, so this resource gives me reliable, specific insight and data into where we’ve been, we're heading, and what needs to improve. The Admin Tracker is a very helpful tool, and we will use it to bolster our accountability measures.
Executive Director, Home Life

We're focused on improving health, absolutely. But we can only get behind any new initiative when there are associated cost savings. My25 has delivered from a health and bottom-line standpoint, so we are very pleased. I'm also enthusiastic about the strategic possibilities this keeps opening up for us; My25 is an opportunity allowing us to further differentiate, enhance our health leadership brand, and create new value.
Vice President Quality Systems, BrightSpring Health Services

We've utilized My25 resources within our population health management company for years and continue to be impressed and pleased with the engagement/education value, innovative content, and responsive approach My25 takes to its partnerships.
President, HPN WorldWide

My25 provides an amazing amount of consultation for the expense. It would be a serious failure to not take advantage of the insights and action steps they are providing. We could not otherwise find a source of such customized, tailored guidance.
CEO, Delta Community Supports

Thank you for your great service, style and – most importantly – your person-centered approach to encouraging self-driven, healthy living choices.
State Director, Dungarvin

We hands-on interact with people supported in congregate-living settings daily all throughout the U.S.; here’s what we have to say about My25, <a target=_blank href=>click</a>.
Provider Organizations All Throughout the U.S.

The My25 program has made vast improvements in the health and wellness for the people served here at our organization — improvements in BMI, A1C, lipid levels and enhanced energy levels. My25’s greatest strength is the way they develop a partnership between the people served and house leadership, which fosters a person-centered approach to meal planning, honoring choice with special diet considerations, and a genuine focus on the individual’s success.
Director of LTSS Residential Services, Bay Cove Human Services

No question, we've saved money and improved peoples’ health. My25 professionals are innovative, enthusiastic and highly responsive. Our experience over many years has been as win-win as it gets.
CEO, Clearbrook

The My25 partnership with Kreider Services has been fantastic. We appreciate the ability to contact My25 at any time with a change in dietary restrictions. The My25 team is so responsive to the food likes and dislikes of the individuals, which makes it much easier for everyone. And the recognition My25 provides for outcomes achievement has been such a positive motivator for both staff and residents. We value My25’s expertise and this partnership centered on health for people supported.
Director of Residential, Kreider Services

The customized meal plans, recipes and support from My25 have been an invaluable resource in support of our health and wellness initiative. We have monthly contests, with a very high level of engagement from our residents. 90% of the individuals engaged have lost weight. The support and encouragement from the My25 staff have been very helpful and we would highly recommend utilizing this service.
Senior Vice President of Programs, Easterseals NH

The team at My25 is exceptional. We could not ask for a better partner. My25 is implemented in all of our residential group homes. As a result, our residents now have the ability to make healthier choices which has led to decreased obesity. The success of the My25 program lies with implementation of My25’s choice-based menu planning with staff assistance and individual preferences. This has led to positive outcomes.
Director of Residential Services, Pillar Care Continuum

My25 has been a great addition to our residential program. They offer many choices and varieties of meals accommodating the wide array of nutritional needs the individuals we care for have. They are very responsive to any requested changes and easy to work with. It has been a positive experience with positive outcomes.
Nurse Supervisor, Citizen Advocates