Human Services & Healthcare Innovators — Everywhere — Subscribebecause we cement substantial outcomes & data impact
“My25 is a long-overdue powerhouse for the industry.” Via an expansive family of products and a holistic, data-centric approach, we strategically drive improved health & reduced costs. My25 maximizes for the people our subscribers care about—individuals with IDD, behavioral & mental health challenges, autism, Down syndrome, and TBI; clients in recovery/rehabilitation; and the elderly . . . in waiver, ICF, supported living, smart home, and home-based settings. At the same time, we bolster associated staff, stakeholders, and funders.
Some My25 products are sought out by a broad range of subscribing organizations intent on tapping into the specialized needs sector with value-add, digital content. Other My25 products are maximizing in LTSS & HCBS settings to achieve substantial choice, quality, operational, compliance, and financial outcomes—an integrated Food as Medicine system.

We help individuals and entire households affordably plan, shop for, prepare, and eat the right foods in the right amounts . . . cultivating interactivity and elevating skills, education, and enjoyment of life. We additionally captivate and support allied staff and family/guardians, which fosters sustainable habit change. My25’s proprietary software and person-centered foundation address diverse needs, budgets, and goals with tailored tools; multi-media engagement; and experienced, accessible guidance focused on the whole person.

As frosting on this value-based cake, we innovated to create the ground-breaking, proprietary Healthy Eating Score (HES) metric.

Nutrition measurement actively engaging visually (red to yellow to green) during menu planning and then accessible as an on-demand, trended metric for motivational and care coordination purposes. In the process, organizations gain valuable, leverageable information.

We forged My25’s strategic backbone and successful Food as Medicine approach among one of the most health-compromised, nutrition-challenged, budget-strapped and time-stretched populations. This caused us to think far outside a mere healthy recipes box, traditional diet management, and mainstream diet “solutions”. . . all of which have largely failed people with specialized needs for decades.

We Very Happily Give Back
With every new subscription, My25 is more affordable for human services organizations supporting people with specialized needs.