Impactful & leverageable health & cost reduction outcomes all throughout the U.S.
But First,
The World Health Organization (WHO) and its landmark study confirmed that My25’s approach to nutrition is maximizing health for most anyone.
Since our inception, we've advocated 25 grams of fiber each day and incorporated the appropriate ingredients into our menus—even coining the phrase “fiberizing.” (All while we simultaneously factor in personalization.)
WHO now concludes that a fiber-rich diet is not only the super solution materially reducing obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, but fiber also leads to longer life.
Health Outcomes
Pre My25, approximately
of individuals are at a normal BMI.

Post 6 months,
of participants are at, or consistently moving toward, a normal BMI.
Of the people who were obese at program start, 14% are no longer obese and are consistently moving toward a normal BMI.
Of the people who were obese at program start, 14% are no longer obese and are consistently moving toward a normal BMI.
Post 18 months,
of participants are at, or consistently moving toward, a normal BMI.
Of the people who were obese at program start, 29% are no longer obese and are consistently moving toward a normal BMI.
Of the people who were obese at program start, 29% are no longer obese and are consistently moving toward a normal BMI.

Additional Outcomes
within the first 6 months, and continuing
diabetic and hypertensive conditions
blood sugar levels
medication usage/dosage & critical care visits
blood pressure readings
triglyceride levels
waist/hips measurements
Physical activity markedly increases as clinical wellness gains register, as does social health (SDoH)—positively impacting job performance and friends/family/community interaction.
Cost Outcomes
Acute care, PRN & prescription medication expense reductions are significant as underweight/overweight conditions and associated chronic diseases—such as diabetes and hypertension—take a definitive, positive turn.
Grocery expense typically reduces 10 to 20%, registering about 2 to 4 months into the program; it's true that healthier foods don’t have to cost more than less nutritious options.
Interestingly—and something that initially caught us by surprise, but has been confirmed across thousands of households—the most significant food cost reductions don’t generate from a decrease in per item food expense. Reduced grocery spend comes from well-constructed, personalized menus and associated grocery shopping lists that are adhered to. My25 solidifies adherence via one-click auto population of the online grocery cart for curbside pick-up or delivery and SNAP EBT.
Individuals who are in better clinical health show up more often to work and are more productive while on the job. SDoH. People with specialized needs benefit money-wise—and beyond—from job security. And employers reducing presenteeism and absenteeism are happier and more whole financially. Win-win.
My25 Choice subscribers within the human services industry experience additional expense reductions as a result of four factors.
Licensor citations and risk-related events reduce markedly as the health of people supported improves and My25’s person-centered approach and nutrition enhancement are in place.
Staff labor efficiencies improve as a result of My25’s streamlined/foolproofed mealtime and grocery shopping system, automatic report generation for oversight purposes, and fewer acute care and stay-at-home-due-to-illness instances for people supported.
We further curtail food expense related to theft of groceries, commonly referred to as “backdoor shrinkage”; My25 affords, for the first time ever in many cases, easy oversight and accountability regarding grocery activities in LTSS/MLTSS settings.
The health of staff and associated caregivers improves as a result of their involvement with My25 on behalf of people supported.
What These Outcomes Reflect

These outcomes reflect what My25 subscribers report (and we track), which is consistent with our USDA-backed, nationwide trials that were overseen by third-party health economists and research analysts.
While individuals and whole households are routinely mixing it up with recipes prepared at home, meals delivered, and eating out, we help guide their planning and knowledge . . . tailoring, engaging, and educating. Outcomes are strong and sustainable no matter what or when.
While individuals and whole households are routinely mixing it up with recipes prepared at home, meals delivered, and eating out, we help guide their planning and knowledge . . . tailoring, engaging, and educating. Outcomes are strong and sustainable no matter what or when.