Finally… Health Improvement & Expense Reduction Innovation

Pre My25, approximately 70% of people supported are moving away from a normal BMI. Post and ongoing My25, 70% of people supported are at or moving toward a normal BMI—associated expenses reduce materially. And social determinants of health elevate. Watch our brief overview video.

Mainstay's My25 products are a health-centric solution utilized by leading provider organizations, state disabilities services, MCOs and ACOs throughout 30 states. We uniquely facilitate substantial outcomes regarding: improved clinical and social determinants of health (click here); diminished acute care and prescription medication expense; reduced LTSS food and labor costs (click here); a streamlined day for staff; elevated person-centered choice; and a decrease in risk and compliance exposure/pay-out.

Our trailblazing innovaton centers on Strategic Mealtime & Technology-Supported Mealtime. With a laser focus on human services, our content-based products tailor supports for individuals with intellectual & developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injury, serious and persistent mental illness, and behavioral health challenges in waiver, ICF, supported living, and home/foster-based settings.

To learn more that will knock your stakeholder socks off, please scroll down.


Based on trends and escalating costs—the perfect storm roiling the human services industry—human services organizations are rapidly evolving into health care entities; delivering health improvement and associated expense reductions are the expectation today. My25 is the only solution accomplishing both, on a broad basis, synergistic with managed care and value-based reimbursement. Click to read our founder's article here.

Our team is made up of respected and experienced human services industry, preventive health, disease management, nutrition, culinary, business, and technology professionals.

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Watch Brian's Story to learn more about My25's substantial outcomes.

Improved Health

Better health is at the crux of reduced, overall supports.